Throughout 2015, we have conducted activities related to social, environmental, and economic sustainability through the Asuransi Astra Peduli program (Empowerment and Service for the Environment). The activities are categorized into two major events, namely charity activity, which is dedicated to humanitarian activities and increasing social sensitivity; and income generating activity, which is an empowerment program for the disadvantaged to help them to be independent, thus providing a positive economic impact to their surroundings.

Blood Donation
Collaborating with Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), in 2015 we have carried out nine blood donation events. Five of them took place in Jakarta, and one in Semarang, Lampung, Palembang, and Banjarmasin. From this series of activities, we managed to collect 665 bags of blood.

Development of Integrated Health Care (Posyandu – Pos Pelayanan Terpadu)
To raise the awareness of family’s health, we continued our health campaign activities particularly for mothers and children, focusing on the level of development of the children. In this event, we giveaway baby scales and supplementary food at Posyandu RW IX Sub Darmi, Wonokromo, Surabaya. In addition, we also gave organization and administrative guidance to 42 Posyandu in the area of Pela Mampang, South Jakarta.

Octobreast Campaign
In commemorating Octobreast; the breast cancer awareness campaign held every October, Asuransi Astra through health insurance products Garda Medika re-teamed with Love Pink to hold various activities such as fun walk and seminars conducted in several cities during the months of October to December 2015. In addition to educating, the main aim of this activity is to urge people to be more concerned, and take proactive measures as a preventive action for breast cancer – which is currently one of the deadliest diseases in the world.

Operational Support to Indonesian Care for Cancer Kids Foundation
We are always committed to care for children with cancer. Through the Indonesia Care for Cancer Kids Foundation, we have provided donation in the form of insurance for the foundation’s operational vehicles.

Sahabat Asuransi Astra Syariah Leadership Program
In 2015, Asuransi Astra held Educational Leadership program Sahabat Asuransi Astra Syariah in collaboration with Dunamis Education and sponsored by Asuransi Astra Syariah social fund. This year, Leadership program fromAsuransi Astra Syariah has been implemented in five elementary schools in Jakarta and targeting 1,734 students. In addition, as many as 65 employees of Asuransi Astra was actively involved as facilitators or teachers in the program.

Financial Education and Literacy
In line with the program of Financial Services Authority (FSA), in 2015 we conducted education and financial literacy program, particularly on the importance of insurance. The event was carried out in 10 cities namely, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Depok, Banjarmasin, Palembang, and Solo. The event was focused on providing information on financial services including the knowledge related to the benefits, costs, and risks.

Always Drive and Ride Safely Training
Since 2006 to date, we regularly conducted the training of ‘Always Drive and Ride Safely’. Throughout 2015 we conducted 49 trainings in Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Tangerang. The program is targeting various stakeholders such as employees, women, school student/college student, the automotive community, lifestyle community, and others. We hope the participants will have the awareness to always drive in good manner, safe, and responsible.

Throughout 2015 we have provided scholarships to 107 students from elementary school to college level.

Library Development
We are developing 11 libraries in Bogor, Tangerang and Jakarta. The guidance includes the provision of books, library improvements, library management training, and supporting social activities. From those 11 libraries, seven received social activities and facilities and they are Mentariku Library (Perpustakaan Mentariku), Community Library (Taman Bacaan Masyarakat – TBM) Warabal, TBM Matahariku, Griya Asih Shelter Library (Perpustakaan Rumah Singgah Griya Asih), Children Library (Taman Bacaan Anak – TBA) Al Firdaus, TBA Kaso, and Pustaka Prima.

Environmentally Friendly Program
In 2015, we continued our tree planting program and the “Clean and Healthy Neighborhood” (Lingkunganku Bersih dan Sehat) movement in six areas in Medan, Jakarta and Surabaya. We also launched our initial Karina (Kampung Ramah Lingkungan Binaan Asuransi Astra) in Pela Mampang, South Jakarta. The program is implemented to fulfill public’s needs for beautiful and comfortable environment.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Income Generating Activity)
Income Generating Activity is manifested in the form of development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with a focus on helping them in increasing the capital, as well as assistance in the form of training and continuous education so that SMEs will be more advanced. Throughout 2015, as many as 21 SMEs in Jakarta and Surabaya became our new partners.