Logo slogan Asuransi Astra, Peace Of Mind

More than a slogan, your peace of mind is our commitment.

Logo slogan Asuransi Astra, Peace Of Mind

More than a slogan, your peace of mind is our commitment.

Logo Garda Mobile - Layanan aplikasi perangkat pintar untuk kendaraan anda dari Asuransi Astra - Peace of Mind in Your Pocket

Innovative in service is our commitment to ensure that we will always be near you. This is the reason behind Garda Mobile, our latest service channel in the form of mobile app collection that emphasizes users’ connectivity and convenience. Garda Mobile is available on Android and iOS operating systems.

Garda Mobile hero
Logo Garda Center - Layanan Service Point dari Asuransi Astra yang beroperasi sesuai dengan jam buka mall di mall - mall ibukota

Located in various malls and shopping centers near you, Garda Center exists to assist you to close your policy, provide information on Asuransi Astra’s products, and help you with claim survey requests. Claim survey service is open until 21:00 hours.

See complete location list


Garda Center - Layanan Service Point dari Asuransi Astra yang beroperasi sesuai dengan jam buka mall di mall - mall ibukota
Logo Garda Siaga - Layanan darurat kendaraan bermotor dari Asuransi Astra - Emergency Roadside Assistance - Emergency Medical Assistance

Emergency Roadside Assistance (ERA)

Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance (ERA) is a 24-hour emergency service for Garda Oto’s customers that comes with towing and carrier units equipped with the latest hydraulic system and motorcycle assistance.

Garda Siaga - Layanan darurat kendaraan bermotor dari Asuransi Astra - Emergency Roadside Assistance. Mencakup layanan derek, aki habis, mati mesin, dll.
Garda Siaga - Layanan darurat di jalan dari Asuransi Astra - Emergency Medical Assistance

Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA)

Garda Siaga Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) is a 24-hour emergency service for Garda Medika and Garda Oto customers that provides ambulance and motorcycle units that are equipped with standard medical equipment and certified paramedics. Currently, there are 22 EMA evacuation points around Jabodetabek area.

Logo Garda Akses - Layanan Contact Center 24 Jam dari Asuransi Astra
Garda Akses - Layanan Contact Center 24 Jam dari Asuransi Astra

At Garda Akses, you can find out about product information, closing application, insurance policy renewal service, claim report service, and emergency service 24/7.

Logo Garda Akses 1500112 - Layanan Contact Center 24 Jam dari Asuransi Astra